
After We Have Left Our Homes Pt 29

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    It had been a few months since that 4th of July party and Lindsey still couldn't believe she had lost that cornhole game. "One stinking point!" she thought to herself as she practiced tossing the little bags, "I'm not going to lose a second time!" 
    As she was starting to get a good grouping of shots, Gene walking in the room, "Hey, leader, let's go. We got a mission." 
    Lindsey stopped immediately, "Mission!?" she said as she dropped everything and ran to the door. "C'mon! Which way to the brief?"
    "Briefing Room #4," Gene replied. "Sweet!" Lindsey grabbed Gene's hand and teleported the two of them to the briefing room. 
    The Breifing rooms were all the same. A few long tables with four chairs on each of them, an office desk at the front of the room with a holocom (A holocom is just a pretty damn high speed computer with a hologram for a monitor that was projected from the keyboard so that it was always right in front of the person using it) on it, and two holo-screens on the wall. When the two arrived they found Demarkus as well as a few other three-man teams. Lindsey and Gene took their seats by Kirby and waited for the breifing to begin. 
    After about 10 more minutes of waiting and a few more teams coming in, including Chad's still nameless team, the division leader walked in. Lindsey's eyes widened, "The commander is here!? This must be huge!" she thought. She glanced over to Chad and the others, "I hope the boys can handle it..."
    The Commander stepped up to the desk and crossed his hands behind his back. He game the room a quick once over before speaking. "Greetings all. For those of you who are relatively new here and have yet to have met me, allow me to introduce myself. I am the head of the New Smyrna Branch of The Spirits. You will refer to me as Division Commander, or Sir. Is that understood?" 
    Chad, Aaron, and Jason all answered with a loud, "Yes, Sir!" The Commander smiled, "Excellent. Now then," he cleared his throat before continuing, "Hello, my name is Division Commander Warren and I'm about to breif you on your next, and for some of you, First Mission." He reached down and hit a key on the keyboard of the holocom, causing a powerpoint to appearon the holoscreens behind him. On it, in dead center of the screens, was "Operation Search and Destroy" in big bold letters. 
    "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be very blunt here. We could potentially have a crisis on our hands." Warren flipped to the next slide, which had a picture of Yoko and her office on it. "This is Major Specialist Brant. She is the head recruiting officer for this branch. A few months back, Brant discovered that her office at her day job had been bugged. She managed to dispose of the bugs without much of a problem, but this still poses a threat. Someone might be on to us."
    The Commander clicked the key again and a map of the city appeared. "Your task is to scour the city and search every nook and cranny for anything suspicious. Anything military, anything Spirit, anything that could be detrimental to our cause." He clicked again and the map was divided into different zones. District Commander Warren began assigning the zones to different teams. Afterwards he said to them, "I can't stress enough just ho crucial it is that we find and eliminate any and all incriminating evidence. Have I made myself perfectly clear?"
    "YES, SIR!" Everyone shouted in response. 
    "Good. Assuming there are no questions, this concludes my brief." Everyone remained silent. They knew what they had to do. "Very well, you are dismissed. Good luck to you all."
NO this is not the actual polarpocket, dont get your hopes up. This is one of his close friends, hes been mailing me these to put up here, so expect one every few days or so. And if there is anything you would like me to write to him just leave a comment and ill put it in the next letter. 
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